Day 2 Morning – Strategic Summit
08:00 - 09:00 (60 mins)
Registration & Coffee
09:00 - 09:10 (10 mins)
Conference Chair's Welcome Remarks
09:10 - 09:30 (20 mins)
[Keynote] 2024 Japan Hydrogen Market - The Latest State and Future Development Trends
This presentation will provide us with a comprehensive understanding of Japan's current position in the hydrogen industry, along with key trends that are shaping its growth and evolution. The session may cover aspects such as market dynamics, emerging technologies, government initiatives, and potential opportunities for stakeholders in the hydrogen sector in Japan.
Senior Researcher Fellow
The Institute of Applied Energy
Former President
Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan (HESS)
09:30 - 09:50 (20 mins)
[Keynote] Reserved for Hitachi Energy
Jerome Henry
Global Hydrogen Segment Manager
Hitachi Energy
09:50 - 10:40 (50 mins)
[Panel] Fuels of Future - Expanding the Use of Hydrogen and Ammonia in Heavy Industries
The current trends and drivers of hydrogen application in industrial processes
For industrial decarbanization, how do hydrogen help achieve the sustainability goals and reducing carbon emissions?
For those hard-to-abate sectors, such as heat, steel and chemical, is hydrogen the reliable solution?
What's needed to boost hydrogen demand in heavy industry sectors?
Rupert Burrows
Managing Partner of Tokyo office
Mayer Brown
Ashwani Raina
Executive Director, Business Development - Global Green Hydrogen.
ACWA Power
Stone Zhang
Managing Director for Asia
Flor De La Cruz
Principal Research Analyst, Hydrogen & Derivatives
Wood Mackenzie
Hidetaka Endo
GX expert, Green Transformation Advisor/ Fellow
Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha, Ltd. / Bywill
10:40 - 11:00 (20 mins)
[Keynote] Reserved for Edmonton Global
Speaker Representative
Edmonton Global
Morning Coffee & Networking Break
11:30 - 12:20
(50 mins)
[Panel] Hydrogen Carriers Enhancing Storage and Transport Efficiency
Hydrogen Carriers, like Ammonia, Liquid Hydrogen and LOHCs, how do they enable hydrogen storage and transport?
Ammonia as an attractive solution, what are the benefits of using it vs other carriers?
Based on current research and development trends, how likely are cost reductions for these hydrogen carrier technologies in the near future?
Mark Davies
King & Spalding
Dan Woznow
Senior Vice President – Business Diversification
Trigon Pacific Terminals
Connie Lo
Vice President
Day 2 Afternoon – H2 Buyers Forum
In conjunction with the Connecting Green Hydrogen Japan 2024 Strategic Conference, H2 Buyers Forum (Japan + Korea) is a distinctive platform dedicated to bring together hydrogen buyers from various sectors in Japan and Korea.
This Forum aims to facilitate a collaborative space for potential partners, fostering meaningful cooperation and advancing the establishment of a world-class, integrated hydrogen supply chain.
14:00 - 14:40
[Workshop] Building Supply Chains for Hydrogen and Ammonia - Insights from Buyers and Offtakers' Visions
14:00-14:20 [Keynote] Driving Global Hydrogen Connectivity: The Strategic Role of Japan Hydrogen Fund in Shaping the Future Hydrogen Supply Chain
Richard Folsom
Representative Partner
Advantage Partners
14:20-14:40 [Keynote] JH2A's Efforts to Lead Japan Hydrogen Future: Current Status and Challenges
Tadahiro Kaneko
Chair of Finance Committee
Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A)
Senior Assisstant to Unit Heads, Global Banking & Wholesale
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
14:40 - 15:20
[Workshop] Input by German Hydrogen Industry: Facilitating the International Hydrogen Market-Ramp Up
14:40 - 15:00 [keynote] Market Insights: The Role of Hydrogen in the German Future Energy Systems
Nikolaus Boltze
Country Representative for Japan, Korea and Oceania
thyssenkrupp AG
15:00 - 15:20 [keynote] From Partnership to Progress: Japanese-German Joint Ventures in the Hydrogen Economy
Uwe Kerkmann
Dr. Clemens Gabriël
CEO, Green Gas
15:20 - 16:20
[Workshop] Hydrogen Partnership: Optimizing the Hydrogen Supply Chain
15:20-16:00 [Session] Alberta's Vision for Hydrogen Leadership: Building a Global Hub for Innovation and Collaboration
Speaker Representative
Government of Alberta, Canada
16:00 - 16:20 [Keynote] The value chain between Africa and Japan / S Korea.